





The Town Administrator’s Office provides organizational leadership and ensures the goals and objectives of the Town are achieved, as directed by the Town Council.

The Town of Lake Hamilton operates within a council-administrator form of government. This system of local government combines the strong political leadership of elected officials in the form of a council, with the managerial experience of an appointed local government administrator.

The plan establishes a representative system where all power is concentrated in the elected council as a whole and where the council hires a professionally trained administrator to oversee the delivery of public services.

The Town Administrator is appointed by the Town Council to direct the administration of Lake Hamilton under the policy direction of the Town Council. 

Responsibilities include:

  • Providing information to assist the Town Council in developing policy
  • Implementing Town Council policy
  • Supervising the operation of Lake Hamilton Departments
  • Present an annual budget for review by the Town Council; Finalize the budget through the Florida Department of Revenue TRIM process
  • Working on regional issues to ensure a high quality of life for Lake Hamilton residents
  • Reporting to the Town Council on administrative activities

Town Administrator -  Duties & Responsibilities


The town administrator when necessary shall appoint, suspend, demote, or dismiss any town employee under his/her jurisdiction in accordance with law and applicable personnel rules, and may authorize any department head to exercise these powers with respect to subordinates in that department. The town administrator shall direct and supervise the administration of all departments of the town and shall attend all council meetings unless excused by the council and shall have the right to take part in discussions and make recommendations to the council, but not vote. He/she shall see that all laws, charter provisions, ordinances, resolutions, and other acts of the council subject to enforcement by him/her are faithfully executed. The town administrator shall also prepare and submit the annual budget, budget message, and capital program to the council, and shall keep the council fully advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the town, and shall make such recommendations to the council concerning the affairs of the town as the administrator/clerk deems desirable. The town administrator shall designate a qualified town employee to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the town administrator during any temporary absence or disability of the town administrator. The council may revoke such designation at any time and appoint another eligible person, other than a currently sitting councilperson, to serve as acting town administrator.