Permit Fees

Notice: The Town of Lake Hamilton uses the ICC building valuation data sheet to value the cost of construction. This sheet is updated every 6 months.

Sec. 8-24. Fees for duplicate services, permit transfers, re-inspections, and plan re-submittals.

The following fees shall apply to duplicate services, permit transfers, re-inspections, and plan re-submittals.

  1. Duplicate Services.
    1. Duplicate permit cards  $15.00 per card.
    2. Duplicate re-stamp of plans, energy calculations, truss engineering, and/or plot plans:
        1. First time: $30.00 per plan.
        2. Subsequent times: $45.00 per plan.
  2. Permit Transfers. Fee to transfer a valid permit from one qualified contractor to another: $35.00.
  3. Re-examination Fees. Fee for reviewing resubmitted plans, energy calculations, truss engineering, and/or plot plan changes to previously reviewed and stamped documents or requested by the application for residential property: Non-refundable. Up to 50% of Section 8-25 (a) “Permitting Fee Schedule”. The Building Plans Reviewer has discretion.

Sec. 8-25. Schedule of permitting fees: Building

(a)  Permitting Fee Schedule.

Total Valuation Permit Fees
$1,000.00 and less $22.00
$1,001.00 to $50,000.00 $22.00 for the first $1,000.00, plus $7.15 for each additional $1,000.00 or portion thereof up to $50,000.00.
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $372.35 for the first $50,000.00, plus $6.33 for each additional $1,000.00 or portion thereof up to $100,000.00.
$100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $630.25 for the first $100,000.00, plus $5.23 for each additional, $1,000.00 or portion thereof up to $500,000.00.
$500,001.00 and up $2,772.28 plus $4.68 for each additional $1,000.00 or portion thereof.

(b)  Building Permit Fees.

  1. New Construction Valuation: As per the current ICC Building Valuations Data sheet
    1. Modification, alterations, repairs, etc.: As per Permitting fee schedule, subject to Section 108.2 of the Florida Building Code
    2. Site plan/ technical review: Board review fees shall be 50% of the Permit Fee Schedule or a minimum base fee of  $15.00, for construction with a valuation of $1,000 or less. Construction over $1,000.00 up to $50,000 shall require a minimum base fee of  $15.00 plus $3.71 for each additional $1,000.00 or portion thereof in value. Construction over $50,001.00 up to $100,000.00 shall require a minimum base fee of $192.64 plus $3.06 for each additional $1,000.00 or potion thereof in value. Construction over $100,001.00 up to $500,000.00 shall require a minimum base of $145.54 plus $2.61 for each additional $1,000.00 or potion thereof in value. Construction over $500,001.00 and up shall require a minimum base fee of $1,388.34.00 plus $2.33 for each additional $1,000.00 or portion thereof in value. These fees are to be paid at the time of application and are non-refundable. All new industrial, institutional, church, and commercial construction and additions require a site plan/ technical review board review


(c)  Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Gas Permit Fees.

            1.         New Construction (in association with a building permit) and mobile home setup Permits: $82.50 each

            2.         Modifications, alterations, repairs, etc.: As per the Permitting Fee Schedule, subject to Section 108.2 of the Florida Building Code

(d)  Miscellaneous Permit Fees:

            1.         Manufactured Home Setup: $275.00 (Department of Community Affairs Sticker).

            2.         Moving a building or structure to outside town limits: $137.50

            3.         Moving a building or structure from outside town limits to inside town limits: $275.00

            4.         Moving a building or structure from lot to lot inside the Town limits: $440.00

            5.         Demolition with a contract valuation of $3,000.00 or less: $110.00

            6.         Demolition with a contract valuation of $3,000.00 or more: $110.00 plus .005% for each additional                                      $1,000.00 or portions thereof. 

            7.         Temporary Structure (construction trailer or tents): $110.00

            8.         Change of Occupancy: $38.50

            9.         Temporary Electrical Pole: $55.00

            10.       Signs (temporary with 30 day maximum every 6 months): $55.00 (excludes yard signs)

            11.       Signs (permanent): per subsection (a) Permitting Fee Schedule

            12.       Signs (face change): $40.00

            13.       Fences less than $3,000.00: $38.50

            14.       Fences greater than $3,000.00: per subsection (a) Permitting Fee Schedule

            15.       All other types of construction: per subsection (a) Permitting Fee Schedule


(e)        Miscellaneous Permit Fees.

            1.         Administrative fee: $30.00 (applies to all permits and is non-refundable)

            2.         Re-inspection Fee:  $50.00 with Written Correction Notice

            3.         Working without a permit: $82.50 or double permit fee per subsection (a)Permitting Fee Schedule, whichever is greater

            4.         Building Plan Review Fee: 50% of subsection (a) Permitting Fee Schedule (non-refundable)

            5.         Building Plan Revisions: Up to 50% of subsection (a) Permitting Fee Schedule (non-refundable). Building Plans Reviewer has discretion.

            6.         Site Plan Review Fee: 50% of subsection (a) Permitting Fee Schedule (non-refundable)

            7.         Duplications services of permit cards $15.00 per card.

            8.         Duplication services of plans: $100.00 per plan

            9.     Permit transfers:$35.00