Republic Services Garbage, Bulk Items and Recycling

As part of your monthly utility bill, residential properties are charged $19.00 per month for garbage and recycling collection and also bulk* pick up, which is contracted out to Republic Services. When you sign up for a utility account you will begin to be billed for these services.  If you move into a new home in Lake Hamilton, be sure to make town staff aware and to let them know you will need totes for garbage and recycling.  Most existing homes should have the totes, if not, we can order new ones.  

Pick-up day is on Thursday* for all three services.

*The following holidays may affect the pick-up schedule during the week: New Year's Day; Memorial Day; Fourth of July; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; and Christmas Day.  Check the Town's Facebook page for information on holiday schedule (or inclement weather) changes. 

*Bulk waste includes items that are typically too large to be disposed of in your regular curbside trash container. To help you get rid of these large items, Republic Services offers easy bulk trash pickup for recycling or disposal, so you don't have to haul them to a landfill.

Bulk items typically include: Couches; Lamps; Rugs; Mattresses; and Large Appliances without Freon

See information on the disposal of garbage, recycling, yard debris, and waste